
    The list of indications

    corresponds to previous experience from more than 10000 individual treatments, multicentric studies and single-center experiences of recent years.

    Album dialysis procedures are now used in everyday practice for more than 20 years. Studies have shown how difficult it is to achieve the desired results in heterogeneous patient groups of often critically ill patients. Albumindialysis has tackled this challenge and in many situations has improved the often hopeless course of disease. In summary, one can therefore hold:

    → It is important to start in good time with a liver dialysis!

    In addition to the following indication groups, it is therefore important to know the start criteria (see below).

    The following indication groups have been successfully delivered to albumin dialysis:

    These indications are evidenced by the results of several albumin dialysis studies over the last 20 years. A corresponding bibliography can be requested from HepaNet. Uncontrolled data suggest that even patients with still moderately paraclinical values ​​but with increasing clinical involvement with albumin dialysis therapy have a better prognosis. Earlier use of albumin dialysis therapy may prevent further deterioration of the patient’s condition, increase the positive effects, and reduce the number of necessary treatments.

    The indications for the use of albumin dialysis will continue to be subject to constant changes due to growing experience with different clinical pictures and stages. If today most terminal stages of various liver diseases are treated inpatient, outpatient treatments in earlier stages may be the better results tomorrow.