Principle of albumin dialysis according to the OPAL method:

    The albumin dialysis procedure employs previous plasma exchange or plasmapheresis procedures to remove the toxins from the patient’s blood. However, these “old” methods struggle with undesirable reactions with the exchange surfaces (complement activation, fibrinogen adsorption, allergic reactions) as well as the unwanted removal of important factors from the blood of the ill patient. Consequently, the patient could not be helped to the desired extent at that time.

    The principle:

    The new albumin dialysis system OPAL separates the patient’s blood through a special blood membrane from an albumin circulation that absorbs the toxins. The purification of this albumin solution takes place via a LowFlux membrane (FX10) and a new adsorber (MaxiCycler). This carbon adsorbent absorbs the otherwise albumin-bound toxins almost completely and thus cleans the albumin molecule. This can then pass through the blood membrane again and absorb new toxins.

    The albumin dialysis membrane in the OPAL method:

    The mechanism of albumin dialysis OPAL therapy is similar to the process that occurs at the membrane of a healthy human liver cell. The special blood membrane, together with a special albumin solution as dialysate, allows the simultaneous elimination of albumin-bound and water-soluble toxins. The valuable albumin is recovered in a continuous cycle in the system.

    The blood membrane:

    The special blood membrane has the desired properties of allowing the free blood toxins on the blood side as well as the albumin bound toxin to pass freely through the diffusion onto the dialysate side with the relatively clean albumin.

    After the albumin-bound toxins leave their blood-side carrier proteins and have passed through the pores of the special membrane, those of the albumin molecules in the middle circulation are taken over and transported away. Through the adsorption column, the loaded albumin is regenerated in the medium cycle and can take over toxins again in the blood filter.
    The “single pass” dialysis circuit on the right also allows the elimination of water-soluble substances and the maintenance and adjustment of the acid / base balance and the electrolyte concentration.

    Furthermore, as in conventional haemofiltration procedures in intensive care units, the volume balance of the patient can be controlled here.

    The principle in detail:

    The patient’s blood flows via a catheter into an extracorporeal circuit with a hemodialysis machine containing a special hollow-fiber membrane (see right). The outside of this membrane is lapped by a recirculating human albumin solution and thus purified. Since the “liver toxins” are transported by protein binding, this mechanism causes the driving force for these toxins to pass through the blood membrane. The binding solution is then regenerated directly in a closed circuit (hepatic detoxification) and is itself subjected to dialysis by means of a steamed aqueous solution (renal detoxification). After this regeneration, the membrane can be cleaned again by means of the purified albumin solution. This principle allows the replacement of the detoxifying function of the liver, which, if it is absent in liver failure, is life-threatening.

    If you are interested in getting to know this type of therapy, make an appointment at ed.te1737685621napeh1737685621@ofni1737685621