Albumin dialysis in the outpatient sector:
    What do I need in my practice?

    Even in the outpatient area, liver dialysis will increasingly take its place. Already, there are the first practices in Germany, which enable your patients this modern form of supportive liver therapy. The equipment actually corresponds to that of a dialysis practice. There are especially hygiene guidelines available on request from HepaNet.

    Required equipments are:

    Albumin dialysis monitor

    e.g. Multifiltrate, Genius, BM 25 or similar


    Cardiovascular monitoring

    Coagulation monitor

    HepaNet can bring the dialysis machines and provide them for the first treatments.
    Ask for our service.

    Which patients can I treat?

    Under the heading Indications you will find a list of possible causes of advanced liver failure. As a rule, these patients are treated inpatient and sometimes under intensive conditions. In the outpatient area, on the other hand, the goal of the treatment is more in the sense of prophylaxis. To date, patients have been treated with increasing hepatotoxic effects of the basic therapy (e.g., combination antiviral therapies or chemotherapies).

    Sense makes an early, preventive treatment with increasing impairment of quality of life by the progressive liver disease. Interval treatment can be used to improve the overall situation for the patient.

    In particular, patients who are already on the waiting list for a liver transplant could encounter potential complications from such repeated treatment. The goal is to achieve the timing of an organ offer (waiting time at many transplant centers up to one year and more) and to go into such a great operation in the best possible condition.

    What about the billing of costs?

    In the extra-stationary area, the experience so far is low. The statutory health insurers usually refuse to accept the costs of therapy. Often, the seriousness of the patient’s situation requires judicial action to be taken when enforcing reimbursement. The first positive court judgments from express proceedings are available and can be obtained from HepaNet.

    The private health insurer PKV have paid or promised treatment in several cases.

    Alternatively, for many patients, however, for the time being it is only up to them to go into advance payment and to join their own health insurance company at the same time.

    How can HepaNet help me?

    HepaNet supports in the following points:

    • instrumentation
    • consumables
    • Advice on indication
    • Advice on Reimbursement (GOÄ)
    • Accompanying the entire therapy in the starting phase
    • HepaNet Guide

    If you are interested in getting to know this type of therapy, make an appointment at ed.te1737685322napeh1737685322@ofni1737685322