Under the heading Indications you will find a list of possible causes of advanced liver failure. As a rule, these patients are treated inpatient and sometimes under intensive conditions. In the outpatient area, on the other hand, the goal of the treatment is more in the sense of prophylaxis. To date, patients have been treated with increasing hepatotoxic effects of the basic therapy (e.g., combination antiviral therapies or chemotherapies).
Sense makes an early, preventive treatment with increasing impairment of quality of life by the progressive liver disease. Interval treatment can be used to improve the overall situation for the patient.
In particular, patients who are already on the waiting list for a liver transplant could encounter potential complications from such repeated treatment. The goal is to achieve the timing of an organ offer (waiting time at many transplant centers up to one year and more) and to go into such a great operation in the best possible condition.